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Murcia Today
Alicante Today
Date Published: 19/07/2021
ARCHIVED - Vaccination days in Nerja and Velez-Malaga on July 22 for those aged 40-59 who missed earlier appointments
1,000 Janssen jabs are offered for 40 to 69-year-olds at the two locations in the province of Málaga

Two vaccination days against Covid-19 are being held this Thursday (July 22) in the East Málaga-Axarquia health district for those born between 1952 and 1981 who have missed the initial call-up for their age bracket and still require vaccination.
The two centres designated for the task are located in Nerja and Velez-Málaga, where unvaccinated residents can receive a Janssen jab without a prior appointment.
Vaccines are on offer from 3.15pm to 9pm on Thursday at the two centres; the Enrique López Cuenca sports centre in Nerja and the fairground in the city of Velez-Málaga.
The municipalities included in the East Málaga-Axarquia health district are Alcaucín, Alfarnate, Alfarnatejo, Algarrobo, Almáchar, Árchez, Arenas, Benamargosa, Benamocarra, El Borge, Canillas de Aceituno, Canillas de Albaida, Casabermeja, Colmenar, Comares, Cómpeta, Cútar, Frigiliana, Iznate, La Viñuela, Nerja, Periana, Riogordo, Salares, Sayalonga, Sedella, Torrox and Vélez-Málaga.
In total, one thousand Janssen doses will be administered; 600 in Vélez-Málaga and 400 in Nerja, with the added advantage that this vaccine only requires one jab and is highly effective in preventing severe forms of Covid-19.
The mass vaccination campaign in the Santa Inés-Teatinos health centre in the city of Málaga, which started last week (July 13), is going to be extended and citizens aged between 40 and 69 from the Málaga-Valle del Guadalhorce health district can also receive a Janssen jab this Thursday and Friday (July 22 and 23).
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