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Dog owners beware: stephanotis pods can kill dogs
Urgent warning for dog owners
Be aware that the seed pods of the Stephanotis plant, also known as Madagascar Jasmine, are lethal for dogs.
This is a stunning plant with waxy green leaves and a beautiful white flower which gives off a gorgeous sweet scent.
However, the pods are lethal for dogs and after hearing today about the sad death of a dog after chewing one of these pods, a quick search on the internet shows that this is far from an isolated incident and that many dogs have died in the same way.
In five minutes I’ll be digging up my own stephanotis to ensure this doesn´t happen in my own garden, so please share the information around.
The Datura is another one which can be lethal and can also have nasty side-effects for humans, so be aware of this one as well. Click for more info about the Datura.